Country Music

the bleeding radio repeats the same
dead guitars their necks and bodies

another day strings stretch rained
bullets for old fingers to play half-

mast country white and blue so red
throats the shallow soundless holes

peered into to sing sand to bury
the chorus of another city’s silent

prayers God never intends to act


(originally published in #theslideshow, Winter 2018)

Losing Another One

Christmas trees
no gifts
nothing left
to unwrap
no one
needs these kinds
of gifts
no one sees
above the trees
there is so
much more
to be angry about
think of those
who have lost
the soup
steams the kitchen
sunken chicken
in chunks
salt boils
the tea kettles
the minced leaves
the body
the mint plant


(originally published in New Pop Lit, Spring 2018; nominated for Best of the Net)